Always be ready for a recession

I hate to be a fear monger, but with all of the economic uncertainty, it is important that we remain prepared for a downturn even if it never comes. Architecture employment is a leading indicator for the economy — we are some of the first to experience layoffs when clients become fearful. Luckily, that hasn’t happened in large numbers yet even though billings are still in decline.

That said, the March US Federal Reserve meeting notes indicate concerns over a mild recession later this year. And there is an ongoing debate about whether commercial real estate will struggle with rising interest rates.

I sound a broken record, but it is always good to update your resume, keep your LinkedIn profile current, and make sure you are collecting work samples and images for a portfolio revision. And always be networking because your next opportunity will probably come from someone you know.

It is also good to take stock of your value to your current firm. How can you make yourself indispensable? How can you demonstrate the value you bring to work each day?

Don’t be scared, but be prepared.


Reuse is the Most Sustainable Form of Construction

Adaptive reuse has been a term floating around architecture for decades. The amount of energy and carbon that goes into a new building is intense. Some of that can be eliminated by reusing as much of a building as possible. We need to keep educating our clients about adapting their existing building stock instead of starting from new.

Dear Architects: If You Really Want to Be More Sustainable, Start Prioritizing Reuse Projects

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Reminder: Architecture Matters

Architectural Record’s Josephine Minutillo discusses her conversation with David Chipperfield about how architecture can regain the prominence it once had to serve society by demonstrating how we “improve our environment and quality of life.”

Unsaid in the discussion: measurements and data help convince clients that our fees are worth it.

April 2023 Editor's Letter: The Power of Architecture

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Construction Tech Companies Still Thriving

We lost a lot of architects to technology companies during the 2008 recession. Hopefully, the recession predicted above doesn’t happen; otherwise, we may lose more promising professionals to the lucrative ConTech industry. A number of these companies recently received venture capital funding.

On the other hand, some of these companies may be good destinations for those who have lost their interest in the traditional architecture practice.

Contech firms continue to attract VC money

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Architosh Interview with Evan Troxel

This written discussion between Anthony Frausto-Robledo and Evan Troxel covers a lot of the topics we discuss in this newsletter: technology, education, employment, and more.

Industry Voices: ‘Attacking Technology as a Design Problem,’ with Evan Troxel, AIA

Evan’s TRXL Podcast is also worth a listen